bike covid-19 public transport value for money

Covid has created a perfect opportunity for people who want to travel by bike

As reported by Timna Jacks in The Age public transport rides have dwindled to 9% of normal levels and are unlikely to recover fully for years to come as a direct result of the covid pandemic. But now is not the time to reinvest in more private car travel.

As reported by Timna Jacks in The Age public transport rides have dwindled to 9% of normal levels and are unlikely to recover fully for years to come as a direct result of the covid pandemic. But now is not the time to reinvest in more private car travel. Whilst it is true there will be more congestion on the roads as more people go back to their cars we know that building more roads and providing more car parking will not solve the congestion problem – it never has and only feeds it. There is an overwhelming imperative – environmental, social and economic to resist this and promote alternatives.  


One of these is active transport – particularly cycling and e-biking which can be provided at minimal cost. There are huge benefits promoting cycling. It is accessible or should be for almost everyone now – particularly with the arrival of e-bikes. It is dirt cheap, particularly in comparison to the private car (which is important in a time of recession, particularly for young people who are bearing the brunt) and provides huge health and environmental benefits. It can also be linked with public transport ie by carrying them on trains. Buses and trams should also make this option available, but it should certainly be possible for people with small folding bikes.  


What governments need to do is create a safer environment for people to ride ie make roads safer for cyclists. This can be done very cheaply using a variety of measures but it needs a change in government mindset at all levels to do this and that is something the community should be demanding now. Government should be reminded that if this can be achieved in cities like Copenhagen where 62% of Copenhageners choose to bike to work and study Melbourne can get many more people on bikes instead of cars if we create the right environment for bike travel.

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